I am going to try and best describe my day. I could very well lose my mind by the time it is over. Let me begin with mentioning that my hubby is a last minute kinda guy (you gotta love him for it, Lord knows I do). Anyways, he is currently on his way to New Jersey for work, but this story begins well before all that. He was being picked up at 12:45, so at 11:00 we (he) decides that it's time to get something notarized, go to the store for travel sized toiletries for his carry-on, and still make it home in time to finish packing. We manage to get it all done and he runs out the door with minutes to spare. Jump forward to 2pm.....time to pick up Victoria from school. But where is the key to the car? After searching for a few minutes I get a sinking feeling. This feeling tells me that it is in Matthew's pocket (not the first occurance). I make the call, already knowing the answer...crap! At this point you are thinking..."why only one car key?" Not sure, it is what we were given and have never gotten around to making another one, serves us right. Where was I? Okay, I am rushed now, minutes are ticking, my daughter is soon to be one of those poor kids that has to wait in the office because their lamo mothers can't manage to get there on time. We have another car (sentra), but it is too small for all 3 kids......Matthew's mom comes down to wait with the other 2, I fly out the door, am halfway down the street and see that there is NO gas. And when I say NO gas, I mean fumes. At this point I have no time to stop and get gas (plus have realized that I forgot my wallet). I flip around, race home and borrow my mother-in-laws car. I get to her school just in time, perhaps things are looking up? Nope. There is no booster seat. But seriously, she is almost 6, I think she can sit without one for a quick ride home. We arrive home safely (even without her booster) and am determined to get a key made for my car (I mean I cannot be without a car, and be at the mercy of someone else for 5 days, seriously). I call locksmiths for 10 minutes and get various prices, nothing under $150. Now that is an expensive key. I finally call the dealer (brilliant, I know), and they tell me to bring in my registration and ID and they can have one in minutes for a mere $15. Let me now explain the next steps in list format:
Step 1.....Drop off kids at mom-in-laws, it is 3:20 (and she has to leave her house for a doc appt at 4:30)
Step 2.....Get gas in the Sentra, sounds easy enough. Not so, when the tankers are dropping off gas, the line is a mile long, and-of course-the card reader doesn't work at the pump I choose which means I go inside and pay (this does not go fast thanks to the super speedy clerks).
Step 3......Get to the Chevy place, then realize it is actually the GM place, ("yes mam, I realize this is where you bought your vehicle, but you need to go the Chevy dealer.") and I need to go across the street.
Step 4.......Go across the street only to be told the computers are down and won't be up till tomorrow-maybe. I tell them that I just called and was wondering why no one managed to tell me that the computers were down. They answer with "not sure."
Well I am "not sure" what else could possibly go wrong today. I was waiting to get a ticket on the way home, or maybe get struck by lightening. So, here I sit at 4:50 on a Monday.....and absolutely nothing has been accomplished. I still have no car key, the laundry never got finished, the breakfast dishes are still in the sink, and come to think of it, I am not sure that I even fed Emma lunch. Dios Mio, is it Tuesday yet?