Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This is my rant on the last few days. We all know that both Victoria and Julianna have pink eye, they started their meds on is now Wed and it doesn't look much better. On top of that, I seriously think that they have every other virus that could possibly be going around. High fever (106!)-check. Runny nose-check. Cough-check. Vomit-check. Also the doctor called us back to tell us that Julianna has a UTI, and the eye drops that we have are not strong enough.

So, off I went to the pharmacy again, but of course I had to go to 2 separate ones because one didn't have the drops. And honestly, I have never seen a smaller amount of liquid in a bottle. I normally have no complaints about our insurance, but pleeeaassse! 3 ml of eye drops for a $25 copay! I don't even know what a ml is, but it should not cost $25. Let us not forget to multiply that by 2 kids. This has been a rather expensive round of sickness..........

$30 in office copays
$10 for the first round of drops
$50 for the second round
$10 for the UTI drugs

Now I am sure that I could find something much more fun to spend $100 on.....really!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pink Eye!

This weekend was not so fun, it was supposed to be, in fact we really tried to make it so......but all such efforts failed. It began on Friday with a spontaneous camping trip with the in-laws (and the condo on wheels). We were unable to reserve a for sure spot at this point because it was 4:45, and no one would answer the phone. We decided that our best odds were Santee Lakes....they had a few spots open when we looked online, and it wasn't too far. However, they turned us away (I am still convinced they had spots open and were lying), so off we went to Ma-tar-wa on the Veijas reservation....getting there at 8:00pm, but at least finding a spot. At this point we are all starving and so we head off in search of food and propane to so we can use the heat in the trailer. Little did any of us know that all of Alpine closed at 9pm, leaving us to eat at Carl's Jr. (ick), and never finding propane. We go to bed that night with 45 blankets each, but a full tummy. Still, the weekend is looking promising, with a new day ahead. Let's move forward to about 1am....Julianna wakes up howling, complaining of a tummy ache and needing to "throw up". She continues this cycle every 30-45 minutes, which eventually wakes up Emma who will not fall back asleep for nothing. It was indeed the longest night of my life, and I have never felt so tired. At some point during the night I was actually contemplating getting in the car and driving home. Matthew's parents didn't sleep much either (obviously) and at one point Connie even found Joe asleep in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. Needless to say we decided not to stay another night and cut the trip short. We never did figure out Julianna's tummy problem, but both girls woke on Sunday with a little friend called Pink Eye. And since this was the first time they have had it, I just had to document. We are quarantined today, upon which I am washing everything in sight, trying to keep Emma from getting it. Fun times!

Monday, April 14, 2008


A few new shots of the girls......Emma "helping" me load the dishwasher, and she has learned how to give kisses......gotta love the tongue! Note Julianna sweetly kissing Emma. Too cute.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Growing up

I came across this picture of my 3 year old Victoria in Maui. I can remember this trip like it was only yesterday. I love this picture of her!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

One Good Day

So after my car key saga (yes, I finally got one made), the girls and I spent yesterday at Disneyland. Some people will think me a horrible mom to take my daughter out of school on only her 3rd day back from spring break. But, is only Kindergarten, and Disneyland totally trumps it. And it was a fabulous day. The clouds went away, the sun was shining, and it was so fun. I have decided that I love taking my girls there because they are still little girls. One day they will not care about princesses and Peter Pan. One day they won't fight over who is sitting next to mommy on the ride. One day they will not watch a parade with such awe and wonder. So I go and soak up every moment. I wait in every line, holding a 20 pound baby (my back hurts today), because life goes by too fast. And someday I will wish that they want to wear a princess dress to school, or sit by mommy on rides. It surely was one good day!