Saturday, May 31, 2008


The result of falling off her bunkbed ladder and managing to knock down both her little sisters at the same time. They went down like dominoes! Victoria was the only one that landed face first on the carpet......who knew the carpet could be so harmful?!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Age Crisis

So I seem to be having some "issues" with turning 31. What the heck? 30 wasn't a big deal, in fact I kinda welcomed it.....finally I was out of my 20's. But 31, really? Are we sure that I am truly this age? Here are just a few things that might confirm my age.

  • Sitting indian style on the floor is just painful now.
  • Anything after 9:00pm is simply not worth doing cuz I'd rather be sleeping.
  • Disneyland (or any amusement park) is no longer fun without your kids.
  • Can't go on the young married couples retreat....30 and under please.
  • I am a mere 4 years away from my mid-30's.
  • A nap is a treasure more precious than diamonds.
  • I find myself secretly cursing the annoying teeangers at the local theater (and the ones that sneek in to use our community pool.....punks).
  • I buy household goods with durability in mind.
  • Target excites me.

I am totally depressed now, I need a nap.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We braved the weather and went camping this weekend. The days were spent going on walks, taking the girls to craft time, and just spending time together. In the evenings we would settle in for movies and popcorn in the trailer. The girls made me cards for my birthday on Sunday, and Matthew and his mom surprised me with a Cricut! For those that have no clue what that is, no it is not a pet cricket, but a laser cutter that can make fun shapes and stuff for scrapbooking. I have wanted one forever and am so excited! The bad news........I am 31 now, is practically 40.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I just had to document my masterpiece! I was told they were delicious too......can you believe that I actually had enough will power to not have a single one???

Victoria Turns 6

I am not at all sure how this happened, but my "baby" turned 6! (Although, as previously posted, this is her last birthday, so I guess I am ok). She had a blast with all the festivities. We went to Red Robin with friends on Sat where they sang to her....which she thought was just so fun. On Sunday we had her party at Build A Bear, and it was the highlight of her day. She told me that it was her best birthday ever! Her day was finished off with a little celebration at grandmas with cupcakes, her special song and more presents. I can't believe that she is 6 already. I can remember bringing her home from the hospital like it was just yesterday.....sniffle, sniffle.

Monday, May 12, 2008


All the cousins, minus the little girl in my sister's tummy. Poor Aidan, the only boy!

Happy Mother's Day!

Just had to share what Victoria made for me at school (with help of course). It is a cookbook with recipes from the kids. It is probably one of the funniest things I have seen. Their interpretation of making mac and cheese with "5 pounds of butter in the oven for 6 hours at 2 degrees." Victoria's was Tomato soup........

"Get six tomatoes and put them into a pan with red sauce. Cook it for 'four pounds' on super high. Put in three crackers and one slice of white cheese. It's done!"

It is definitely a keepsake :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I have been meaning to post this for awhile now, a great conversation that Victoria and I had. It all began when I was getting dressed........

V: "Mommy, why do you wear a bra?"
M: "Because that's what you do when you grow up."
V: "Well I don't ever want to grow up."
M: "What about your birthday that's coming in a week?"
V: "Oh I can turn 6, but this will be my last one."
M: "What do we do then when you are about to turn 7?"
V: "We can just call everyone and tell them it is cancelled, no presents, no cake, no birthday."
M: "Okay then, you will be 6 forever."
V: "Yup."

I will make sure to remind her of this talk when she is a teenager :)

My Thoughts

Here are my thoughts for today and it is only 10:30am.......Why is Emma sick AGAIN? The bathrooms are dirty. I want a maid (for those bathrooms). I feel a tingle in my throat and my head hurts.....probably what Emma has. I can't believe that it is sprinkling outside. I hope that the other girls don't get sick now too. My legs are sore today from jogging. I am hungry. What can I eat that is carb free? I need to do laundry. I need to vaccuum. I really want that maid now. We are out of dog food. Emma is almost out of soy milk. I am stressed about Victoria's party, so much to do. I am depressed about my Aunt leaving my Uncle. I love my Aunt and miss her so. I miss my friends in Colorado too.....Shannon and Jaime. I can't fathom that I am turning 31 in a few weeks....ick! I can't fathom that my "baby" is turning 6 in two weeks. Gotta go to the bank, accountant, and doctor for off I go!

Friday, May 2, 2008


I took this one of my little trouble maker. I have never been fond of child locks on cupboards nor have I ever needed them with the other two girls. Emma however, is nothing like the other two. She is our wild child that began throwing tantrums at 9 months. She loves to hit her sisters and the dogs, loves to clean out the cabinets of everything, and really enjoys racing up the stairs before I even know where she went. But perhaps her most favorite thing to do is eat. And when I cut her off (after 3 waffles, 1 banana and a whole bowl of strawberries), she just waits till I am out of view and helps herself. I might have to install those locks after all!

Flower Girl

Julianna is our little "flower girl". She sees flowers no matter how small and has to pick them. She sees them in cracks of cement and in the trees up high. I love this about her, and when I ask her why she likes to pick flowers she simply says, "because they are so pretty mommy." Perhaps I could learn a little something from my daughter, and take the time to notice the flowers each day.