Friday, May 30, 2008

Age Crisis

So I seem to be having some "issues" with turning 31. What the heck? 30 wasn't a big deal, in fact I kinda welcomed it.....finally I was out of my 20's. But 31, really? Are we sure that I am truly this age? Here are just a few things that might confirm my age.

  • Sitting indian style on the floor is just painful now.
  • Anything after 9:00pm is simply not worth doing cuz I'd rather be sleeping.
  • Disneyland (or any amusement park) is no longer fun without your kids.
  • Can't go on the young married couples retreat....30 and under please.
  • I am a mere 4 years away from my mid-30's.
  • A nap is a treasure more precious than diamonds.
  • I find myself secretly cursing the annoying teeangers at the local theater (and the ones that sneek in to use our community pool.....punks).
  • I buy household goods with durability in mind.
  • Target excites me.

I am totally depressed now, I need a nap.


Jules' Blog said...

Mel! You are insulting us "older girls"! Stop this age insanity thing. At this rate you will be checking yourself into a nursing home at my age...43! You look great, not the least bit old! I swear. julie