Saturday, September 13, 2008

Look ma, no training wheels!

It began with tears of frustration......
But soon enough, she was doing it all by herself.
Meanwhile Julianna was giving me her most serious "please can I have candy" face....

Well the day finally arrived, Victoria decided she wanted to try taking off those training wheels. We had suggested it before, but she would always declare that she wasn't yet ready. So today was the day. She started with help from us both, but out of frustration decided that she didn't want our help (cuz we were doing it wrong). So, she cried and she fell, and eventually figured it out herself.....and I will admit that I was kind of shocked, but oh so proud. I smile when I think back on the day that I learned to ride my pink banana seat bike w/o training wheels while my uncle Tim cheered me on. I remember that he told me he wouldn't let me fall, and so I peddled and he let go, and I didn't fall. Just as I look back on that day with fondness, I hope that she will too, someday.


jaime said...

Awww! Laura learned this year too, our last one! She learned on the bike that ALL 6 learned on too!